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[pkg-wine-party] Bug#585409: Bug#585409: Too ambitious!

On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Ove Kåven wrote:
On 03/28/2012 04:49 PM, Ivan Baldo wrote:
Hello Ove!
I appreciate your work and time, what follows is just a constructive
opinion for your consideration.
Many of the things you mention are really upstream bugs and considering
your limited time it would be best just to delegate that work to
upstream (coinstallability, multiarch, etc.).

Hardly. Such things are packaging issues, not upstream issues. In the case of multiarch, anything they might possibly do would probably actually be in direct conflict with the way things are supposed to work, and thus just compound the packager's headaches, not alleviate them. For most packages (including Wine), multiarchification involves intentionally overriding upstream's build system defaults in ways only the distribution-specific packaging system really needs to know. Upstream's job is only to allow this kind of override, nothing more; doing the actual override is the packager's job. Wine's upstream has already done what they need to do.

Instead of aiming for perfection and missing Wine 1.4 in Wheeze

Pff. What's left to do in that plan should probably take a skilled and motivated volunteer about a week or so of work. Packaging Wine 1.4 afterwards, maybe another week. For various practical reasons (including this not being anyone's day job), you'd probably have to multiply this with some fairly significant number to get the real time it'll take, but even then, it'd still leave a comfortable amount of time left until Wheezy.


I've prepared a package for 1.1.37 (http://people.debian.org/~mgilbert).  This doesn't yet make progress towards Ove's goals, but it does at least move us forward.  If Ove were willing to grant commit access to the pkg-wine git repository and uploader status, I could keep doing this over the next couple days for the subsequent 1.1.x releases to at least get us to the stable 1.2 series.

Once we're at 1.2 we will at least have a better/newer base for the wheezy release.  At that point, I will start looking at some the wine/wine-unstable co-installibility and 32/64-bit multiarch goals.

On the wine/wine-unstable co-installibility, I wonder if that would necessarily be urgent now since for the wheezy release (at least), the vast majority of users really only want/need one of wine's stable versions there, and the 1.5.x series isn't very far ahead of the 1.4.x one anyway.

I have the 1.1.37 changes staged in my own git repository.  Attached is a 'git log -p' for my changes for your review.

Best wishes,

Attachment: wine-1.1.37.patch
Description: Binary data

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