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Re: Newbie question

 --- Jeremie Koenig <sprite@sprite.fr.eu.org> 

> But which of these are part of the "debian architecture" concept ?
> Traditionnaly, it would be os and arch (as in hurd-i386 or bsd-i386).
> Our situation is a bit more complicated since our runtimes sometimes
> touch the "OS" area (this is especially true with DJGPP, which uses
> other binary types, DPMI extending to run 32bit apps under DOS, ...).
> I really can't tell you my preference here, since it varies from day
> to
> day ;)
> As promised, the URL of marcus' blurb about architectures handling.
> His
> way may some day provide answers to our existential questions. (in
> short: instead of having packages rely upon a debian architecture,
> the
> whole things could be handled by extending the dependency system and
> dropping the architecture field of packages.)
> http://master.debian.org/~brinkmd/arch-handling.txt
> There was some discussion about this on debian-bsd@lists.d.o :

I aggree that we need to start now with a re-specification of the dpkg
system. Basically we need to: 

1. Create a better way to share data between perl and C (and other
Inline, Swig, IDL come to mind.
2. Create a way to store this package information in a database.
3. Create a way to download and install them.
4. Make all this backwards compatible to debian.


James Michael DuPont


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