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Re: pgstatus: autofocus prevents keyboard navigating

On 27.11.23 06:30, Blair Noctis wrote:
On 2023-11-05 22:56, Blair Noctis wrote:> At this point I can't really blame
setting autofocus, or tell if this change is
worth it.

… until now when I opened the page on a mobile phone, the browser would zoom in
on the autofocused input, so I need to zoom out to glance at build statuses.

I'd argue that the whole page isn't very mobile friendly to begin with. Unfortunately I couldn't reproduce that neither in Chrome (showing the whole page on the screen so the text is barely readable) nor Firefox (larger text, less of an overview - mostly because of the large list of suites/archs to pick). On Android, to be precise.

I wonder if there are other CSS wins to make this more usable. ;-)

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

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