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Re: Proposed amendment (was: Re: GR: Selecting the default init system for Debian)

On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 05:31:50PM +0100, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi,
> On Samstag, 25. Januar 2014, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> > So, let me propose the following amendment, then:
> > 
> > -----
> > If this option wins, the project secretary, in the presence of at least
> > two other Debian Developers, will roll a dice.[...]
> > -----
> > 
> > I am looking for seconds. And no, that's not a joke;
> Well, my option "this is hard, my brain hurts, lets go shopping" was a joke 
> and essentially the same as the above. If you cannot wrap your mind around a 
> problem, please dont declare defeat for the whole project or propose silly 
> "solutions". Just because the problem is too hard for some, doesnt mean there 
> aint sensible solutions. Rolling a dice aint one of them.

I'm not saying that rolling a dice is the best option. But I *do* think
it is a better option than 'further "discussion"', so if this ever gets
to a vote I will most definitely rank this above NOTA.

We need to make a decision on this subject. I'm still hoping the TC will
be able to make that decision, but it remains possible that they don't.
If that is the case, and this does come to a vote, I want to have this
option on the ballot.

Think of it as a last resort. I do want to go with the technically
correct choice, if we as a project can make it. But if the technical
committee fails to make a decision, and if a GR does the same, we'd  end
up with "no decision". If given that option and rolling a dice, then I
think rolling a dice is the lesser of the two evils.

This end should point toward the ground if you want to go to space.

If it starts pointing toward space you are having a bad problem and you
will not go to space today.

  -- http://xkcd.com/1133/

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