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Re: Election status

On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 03:17:13PM -0500, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 14:57, Pete Ryland wrote:

> > > 	And what does that buy us over md5sum(loginid + vote + token)?

> > Instead of token, why not just use the message-id of the voter's email?

> Well, your message ID is:
>     <[🔎] 20020403195723.GC21769@pdr.cx>
>      ^^^^^^^^|||||| ^^^^^^^ ||||||
>        date  ^^^^^^    ?    ^^^^^^
>               time          domain

> That ? is probably derived from the date or time. Or maybe pid. Not
> sure; don't feal like reading exim and/or mutt source. 

> I know the vote; it's to the left of the key. I know the possible user
> id's. I have some good guesses as to date/time (only a couple week
> window, after all). I know which domain matches which user id.

> Now I can brute force that last unknown: Which vote belongs to which
> person.

In addition, you don't even necessarily get protection against MITM
attacks, since the Message-ID will not be part of the PGP-signed message
content in most cases.  Using this as the identifying token would be a
step backwards in comparison with a server-generated token.  (Note that 
you could check for message-id collisions on the server, and probably 
detect most attacks, but then you still either have to generate a token
on the server side to replace it or invalidate the vote.)

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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