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Re: [SOLVED] Trouble/bug with initramfs-tools adding encrypted swap partition

On 24/04/2024 22:37, David Wright wrote:
On Wed 24 Apr 2024 at 14:50:36 (+0200), Richard wrote:
upon gathering my thoughts for answering to you I found the solution to
this: update-initramfs can't handle the case that crypttab ends in the line
of the last entry and not in a new line character. I think there either
should be a fix for this or at least a way to handle this case with a much
clearer error message. So I'll probably open a bug report for the package
and the maintainer can decide if that should be forwarded upstream. Such a
rather trivial case shouldn't be resulting in such fatal errors.

Some time at the end of the last century, I remember some startup script
that cat'd its configuration file for that very reason. It taught me
the habit of always finishing files with a blank comment line:

$ cat /etc/crypttab
# <target name> <source device> <key file>      <options>
swap            LABEL=cryptswap /dev/urandom    swap,offset=2048,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=512

Innocent question: what difference does the comment make vs just ending the file with an empty line?


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