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Re: Committing git working tree with other git repos

 On Wed, 13 Mar 2024, Paul M Foster wrote:


I have a /home/paulf/stow directory with contains subdirectories for each
of the packages whose dotfiles I want to manage, like:


In each subdirectory, I have all the config files for that packages, under
git management. This means that the directory will look like this:


This works well with stow (configs are now symlinks in $HOME).

I'd like to copy all of this to a git repo on gitlab. You would think you
could go to the ~/stow directory, "git init", then "git add" each
directory, and all is good. However, git looks inside the directories and
sees there are already .git directories there, and refuses to add the
directories and their contents to its repo. Instead, it wants you to use
"submodules", to wit:

git submodule add ./alacritty

This adds an *empty* alacritty subdirectory to the git repo, which isn't

I need a way to bring all these subdirectories and their contents under a
git repo so I can send it to gitlab. Any suggestions?


So I thought this was a rather interesting exercise and tried it on one
of my repos that contains etckeeper files, one branch per machine.

I came up with this script (beware if your branches have weird
characters in the names or something, there's limited quoting/escaping

# clone the repo (I'm assuming you've managed to merge all your repos
# into one with a separate branch for each. I started from this so I've
# not got commands to do it but it shouldn't be hard, just add a
# commonremote and push to a named branch for each existing repo)
git clone -n git@einstein:/configs.git
cd configs

# Create a new branch with a completely empty commit at the root
# This must not match any existing branch.
tree=$( git hash-object -wt tree --stdin < /dev/null )
commit=$( git commit-tree -m 'root commit' $tree )
git branch $rbp $commit
git checkout $rbp

# Don't know how to stop this one getting created but we need to delete
# it to simplify the rest. I expected git clone -n to not create this!
git branch -d master

# First map all the commits in each branch on the remote into a
# subdirectory of the branch name on my (relatively low power) machine
# this maps about 30 objects per second.
# This has a very long line with subtle quoting - take care when
# cutting/pasting.
for i in $( git branch -r | grep -v HEAD ); do
  echo $i
  git filter-branch -f --index-filter 'git ls-files -s | sed "s:\t\"*:&'"$i"'/:" | GIT_INDEX_FILE=$GIT_INDEX_FILE.new git update-index --index-info && if [ -e "$GIT_INDEX_FILE.new" ]; then mv "$GIT_INDEX_FILE.new" "$GIT_INDEX_FILE"; fi' -- $i

# Now rebase each branch onto the previous one (Note that we're starting
# with rebasepoint that we created above)
# This gets progressively slower on my machine, not exactly sure why.
for i in $( git branch -r | grep -v HEAD ); do
  git branch --track ${i#origin/} $i
  git rebase $rbp ${i#origin/}

# The branch you are on at this point should be a branch that combines
# all of the upstream branches

# If anything goes wrong, just delete the configs directory and start
# again. You are changing nothing on the upstream unless/until you
# decide to push.

tim@dirac:~/git/flatten/configs (xen3)$ ls origin/
aptmirror17  citrix17       dirac       ipmi17  ntp17        wiki17
aptmirror19  cups17         einstein    ipmi19  ntp19        wiki19
asterisk17   debootstrap17  firewall17  ipmi2   proxy17      xen17
asterisk19   debootstrap19  firewall19  mail17  proxy19      xen19
backup17     debootstrap2   firewall2   mail19  rpi          xen2
bind17       dhcp17         imap17      master  rpi-flat17a  xen3
bind19       dhcp19         imap19      mtd19   victoria17



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