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Re: {OT] Mailing lists etc for postmasters


On Fri, Mar 01, 2024 at 01:42:07AM +0000, Gareth Evans wrote:
> I have somehow only just discovered that Gmail, Apple and Yahoo
> are introducing, or have recently introduced, DMARC requirements
> for senders.

Just for the record, the Authentication part of DMARC is done with
SPF and/or DKIM; the large mailbox providers actually (since 1 Feb)
require *either* SPF *or* DKIM passes, or both if you are a bulk
sender (thousands of mails per day).

DMARC itself remains optional (but recommended) and once taken
separately from SPF and DKIM is mainly a reporting mechanism.

> I am subscribed to mailop (though don't read it as often as I
> should!) but from a mail search there doesn't seem to have been
> anything there about this recently.

This has been discussed at length on mailop since well back in 2023.


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