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Re: Copy from Firefox and paste into Terminal with Vim

Greg Wooledge <greg@wooledge.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 05, 2024 at 10:28:53PM -0800, David Christensen wrote:
> > Continuing from above in Vim in Insert mode, if I then
> > simultaneously press the Ctrl, Shift, and v keys, and then release
> > all keys, Vim inserts the contents of the clipboard; as confirmed
> > by:
> > 
> >     xclip -o -selection CLIPBOARD  
> How's that possible?  Are you running a GUI version of vim (gvim?)
> instead of running vim in a terminal?  Or are you using an exotic
> terminal?

Wow, thanks! I learned something new.

> In xterm and urxvt, Ctrl-Shift-v is identical to Ctrl-v ("literal
> next"), so there's no way vim can distinguish the two.  And yes, I
> tested it just to be sure.  In both xterm and urxvt, vim, insert
> mode, Ctrl-Shift-v acts exactly like Ctrl-v.

So it does. How bizarre! Makes vim in an xterm unusable.

> If you're using a terminal that isn't xterm, please specify which.
> This applies in general to *any* issue that involves exotic key
> combinations, because different terminals handle them differently.

I know I don't like xterm so I never use it. I mainly use lxterminal
and sometimes gnome-terminal but they both must be 'exotic' since they
behave as David said.

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