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Re: Copy from Firefox and paste into Terminal with Vim

On 06/02/2024 19:28, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Mon, Feb 05, 2024 at 10:28:53PM -0800, David Christensen wrote:
Continuing from above in Vim in Insert mode, if I then simultaneously press
the Ctrl, Shift, and v keys, and then release all keys, Vim inserts the
contents of the clipboard; as confirmed by:

     xclip -o -selection CLIPBOARD

How's that possible?  Are you running a GUI version of vim (gvim?)
instead of running vim in a terminal?  Or are you using an exotic

Are you considering any vte-based terminal as an exotic one? GNOME terminal, konsole, lxterminal, and others... They have [Ctrl+Shift+v] hotkey out of the box in addition to [Insert]-based ones.

As to + and * registers. What kind of vim do you use? At least vim-gtk3 provides console vim binary built with x11 support. Perhaps it is +xterm_clipboard option.

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