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Re: How can we change the keyboard layout?

On Tue, 2024-02-06 at 10:57 +0100, Loris Bennett wrote:
> [...]
> OK, now I am with you.  Indeed, I have an HP EliteBook 840 G6 which, to
> my mind insanely, has no 'insert' key, but does have 'call' and 'hang
> up' telephone keys, which are of no use to me.  I have tried and failed
> to remap them.  The keys produce two keycodes and I couldn't work out
> how to map that to a single insert.

That is another good example that we need to be able to change the
keyboard layout.

When these strange keys create scan codes and you're using Xorg, it's
probably easy to remap them with xmodmap.  Just change their mapping
to what usually the insert key is mapped to.

> [...]
> As many have pointed out, it is short for 'Steuerung', but I have met
> many Germans who refer to this key as 'String'.  I am not sure why

'Strg' doesn't belong on a key.  It's 'Ctrl'.  There is no German
translation for that, and calling it 'Steuerung' is plain wrong.  A
more correct translation would be 'Kontrolle', and it is also wrong
for this key.  If someone says 'String' that only shows that they have
no clue what they're talking about.

'Strg' means nothing.  It's another failure like 'allgemeine
Schutzverletzung' which, very likely, is a failed transation of
'segementation fault'.  'Allgemeine Schutzverletzung' means nothing.

A lot of things don't translate into German and the people who are
creating such translations don't know what the term they are trying to
translate means and thus come up with such nonsense.  I never read any
documentation in German because the transation is always garbage and
not understandable; you have to read it in English for it to make any
sense.  Computers and software were not created and developed in
Germany but in the US and thus fit into the English language and not
into German.  That's still the case, and German doesn't have the
necessary words.  There's probably more to it, like computers being
part of the worlds American peoeple live in while not being part of
the worlds Germans live in, with a few exceptions, so they never made
it into the language.  There is still not even a word for 'computer'
in German (there is no word for cellphone, either).  Germany has been
cut off, and it shows.

When you need to tell a German to press Ctrl, you have to tell them to
press Strg.  They won't find the Ctrl key and they won't find the
Steuerung key.  Those keys aren't on German keyboards.  I don't know
why they changed that, it used be Ctrl on Germany keyboards.  People
used to be able to find the Ctrl key when you told them to press
Control.  It's just bullshit, they should never have changed it, and
it's stupid and annoying.

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