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Re: How can we change the keyboard layout?

On Tue, 2024-02-06 at 09:17 +0000, Michael Kjörling wrote:
> On 6 Feb 2024 00:11 +0100, from hw@adminart.net (hw):
> > and for almost 30 years we had
> > to manually switch on NumLock every time we started an X11 session
> numlockx has been around since _at least_ 2002, so over 20 years.
> Depending on your exact definition of "almost 30 years" that leaves a
> gap of at most a few years.

NumLock has been around well before 2002.

> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=Activating_numlock_on_bootup&oldid=5154
> https://tracker.debian.org/news/509143/accepted-numlockx-10-3-i386-source/
> May I humbly suggest that if you're having some issue, it might be
> more productive if you ask how to solve that issue within the
> environment you're using (whether GNOME on Wayland or Xfce on X11 or
> plain virtual terminals at the console or a mix or whatever) than to
> simply gripe about the issue and when someone suggests a possible
> solution simply brush it off?

Nobody has yet suggested a solution to how to change keyboard layouts
when using wayland.

> Chances are that someone has an entirely workable suggestion, if not
> an outright solution, which _would_ help; but whether you intend
> them that way or not, your posts come across as rather condescending
> or spiteful, which seems to me to likely put people off from even
> reading them, severely reducing the pool of people who might have an
> answer to share.

It's not unusual that people don't like to hear the truth.

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