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Re: How can we change the keyboard layout?

On 5 Feb 2024 21:06 +0100, from hw@adminart.net (hw):
> Picking from/adding a bunch of available keyboard layouts is an
> entirely obsolete feature.  I never need that.  I only need to be able
> to change the keyboard layout after picking one once in the installer.
> In case I switch to a different keyboard which I might do every so
> many years when I feel like doing that, I also need to change it for
> the console in the first place.  How that is done changes like all the
> time, and when it's not right, the keyboard won't work right,
> especially in that the function keys to switch between consoles don't
> work[1].  So that's a big issue right there --- and then I need to be
> able to change the keyboard layout in wayland sessions unless I use an
> US keyboard.  But I only have one of those.

Pretty sure /etc/default/keyboard has been a thing on Debian for just
about forever. I haven't dug into the details but it seems to date
back to 2006 which would put its first appearance at circa Sarge or
Etch (3.1/mid-2005 or 4.0/early-2007 respectively); possibly even
earlier, but that's as far back as the console-setup package history

The one on my Bookworm system even has a comment right there on how to
use an entirely custom keymap, and that's also mentioned in the
keyboard(5) man page.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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