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Re: su su- sudo dont work

Am 27.01.24 um 10:23 schrieb Hans:
I see this exactly as you and are watching this list for may years.

However, I wanted not to be so directly because I want not to blame anyone on
this list.

But since the beginning, I had the suspicion, that someone just wants to make
fun with us.

Aleady from the beginning I checked after the mail adress (please note, I am
German myself) and found some theater group behind the mailadress.

So I personally(!) believe, the group is making fun with us, but even then I
gave him a chance.

And again I personally(!) (and this is my very personal opinion), I think,
nobody is so stupid, that he/she can not do a su or install a package. NOT
after 2 years!!!

For me, I will get no help here for this person, just ignore it. This is my
very personal decision!

Sorry to say it, but for me personally it looks like fake! Like a morone, like
a troll.

And those I can not support, sorry.

Please excuse, I do not want to hurt anyone, just tell, what I think.

Best regards


I see very similar posts in the German language list from the last two
years but as Tobias Schwibingerr or similar - also signed by a Sophie

When I asked this question some time ago, it seems that the German language
list had concluded that this person might be a troll (or even a psychology
experiment / AI) :(

Like you, I have attempted to engage - but I think none of us will see
any change - I think the German list pays no attention / may have blocked
this user.


I agree completely with you.

Follow this list for appr. one year now and this "person" (Michael Schwibinger / Sophie / ???) pop up every couple of month.

He/She works always with the same "scam".

1. Came up with a simple sounding cry for help (Computer / OS destroyed or something else) 2. React on questions for clarification with stupid and even more confusing answers

What I notice that every popup it is a little bit better with the answers. They stay stupid and unrelated but the are more wordy.

So I think at the moment it is a troll who works with AI to generate some answers. But this is of course my personal opinion.

For a real psychological experiment the design of the experiment is much to poor.

I decided for me not care on threads which are based on a message of this persons.

The most disappointing thing is that there is no possibility to block such "contributors". As I know. Even a block won't really help. They might start with a new email in the same way again.

mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

**Christian Lorenz**


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