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Re: install Kernel and GRUB in chroot.

Am 02.02.2024 um 00:09:56 Uhr schrieb Dmitry:

> I made experiments with a FlashDrive, and create GPT there,
> if I want to use standard Debian Image how I should partition that
> flash drive (MBR, GPT)?

Do you want to install the OS on it?
For the partition table, I recommend GPT.

Do you want an encrypted system?

>  > Do you need a special configuration here or is the default just
>  > fine?  
> Need just working one. But I am confusing about how GRUB would get a
> plenty of things related to filesystem, kernel location and so on.

That is being done be the installer. If you don't need special
configuration, use the install process. It does everything for you.


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