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Marco Moock <mm@dorfdsl.de> wrote:
> Am 04.01.2024 um 18:19:57 Uhr schrieb Pocket:
> > Where can I find information on how to configure NFS to use ipv6 
> > addresses both server and client.  
> Does IPv6 work basically on your machine, including name resolution?
> Does it work if you enter the address directly?
> https://ipv6.net/blog/mounting-an-nfs-share-over-ipv6/
> How does your fstab look like?

plus FWIW...


"NFS software and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) software support IPv6 in a
seamless manner. Existing commands that are related to NFS services
have not changed. Most RPC applications also run on IPv6 without any
change. Some advanced RPC applications with transport knowledge might
require updates."

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