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Re: Nvidia driver on Debian 10

Marco Moock <mm@dorfdsl.de> writes:

> Am 03.01.2024 um 11:52:59 Uhr schrieb Thomas Anderson:
>> Here is the output. Wow, a lot.
> All those lines with ii at the beginning mean the package is installed.
> apt remove *nvidia* -s
> Check if the result is ok and then run it without -s (-s only
> simulates).

nvidia-driver is the actual top level metapackage so removing that is
likely the thing. Although I'm not sure that makes much sense if Thomas
gets just a blank screen when booting the kernel without the nvidia

Also I think fixing the drivers for both installed kernels might be as
simple as running

dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-kernel-dkms

The version of nvidia-driver and related packages seem to be the same as
what nvidia-smi reports, 418.226.00, so it doesn't look like there's
anything super weird in the system.

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