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Re: Recommended simple PDF viewer to replace Evince

On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 7:12 AM Mike Castle <dalgoda+debian@gmail.com> wrote:
> You could be missing a package that evince expects to be there, but
> there is a missing dependency (likely, making it a Debian problem).

I think you're onto something. I installed both Okular and Xpdf,
exercised them, and remembered why I wasn't fond of them. I just
removed them both and Evince no longer is putting out the error
messages. Sounds like a Debian bug as you said.

> However, there is another site listed in the man page:
> https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evince/issues , and that does appear to

That works great, thanks! I'm so glad it's still being maintained.

> Chrome supports PDFs natively.  Also, before I started using evince, I
> used to use gv (based on ghostview) quite a bit..

Yes, I used gv and gvv a lot when I was developing PostScript products
heavily. They were very useful.

> The following seems to list most of the various programs discussed in this thread, plus a
> couple of others:
> apt-cache search pdf-viewer

Thanks so much Mike!

And also many thanks to all my Debian friends who answered. I think my
side of this thread is done now.

"Merry Christmas to all and t all a good night!"


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