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Re: Web functionality;

    From: <tomas@tuxteam.de>
    Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2023 17:39:20 +0100
> I do disagree with much of what the Mozilla foundation does, and at
> the end, they see the world through ad-industry coloured goggles, but
> they are the last credible ditch we have.

Considering how minimal Dillo is, it has worthwhile capability.  I 
wonder why addition of JavaScript isn't mentioned.  I don't mean
compete with Firefox.  Just display fewer blank windows and allow some 
commonly occuring gizmos to work.

> You thought the situation with Microsoft and computing in the 1980s
> and 1990s was grotesque? It's much, much worse these days. The 
> difference is that the monopoly watchdogs are fast asleep at the 
> wheel these days.

For sure ...  

... but even dinosaurs weren't invincible.

In many areas, Europe is more progressive than N. Am.  Any encouraging 
developments there?

Thx,                          ... P.

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