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Re: Letting Windows go: scanning

Am 20.09.2023 um 19:06 schrieb Tom Browder:
> So how can I get my Debuian host to see and use the scanner part?

No answer from me. Just saying: My situation is similar, but YMMV.
I was using a scanner from MS Windows since almost 20 years. I am on
debian since about 5 years, but never got the scanner to work.

The workaround - for me - is to keep a Windows VM with outdated Win7,
scanner software and configuration, which i use to scan, whereas i can
print to the scanner/printer directly from debian. Certainly a bit
weird, especially the "virtual USB configuration" that is supported
inside my router for this to work, but it does since a long time and
needed adjustments only once in a blue moon.

So i am keeping this very old (scanner-) hardware functional, which has
a laser printer (no inkjet) as long as i still have toner cartridges (no
longer available from producer).

good luck with your endeavor.

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