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Re: Debian 12 - IPv4 blocked without fail2ban & co


On Wed, Sep 06, 2023 at 08:39:55AM +0200, Romain wrote:
> When my IP is blocked, curl returns a "Connection refused," and ping
> returns "Destination Port Unreachable."
> I couldn't find any mentions of my IPv4 address in the server logs. MTR
> (-4) doesn't report any issues reaching the server.

So when this is happening mtr works but http, ssh and ping don't?

If you run tcpdump on the server, do your http/ssh packets even
reach it?

If you do tcptraceroute on port 22/80/443 from your home, how far
does it get?

Are there any firewall rules in place on your server?

DO you have access to any other host so you can tell if it is just
your home IP that has problems?


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