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Re: setting up network with a hosts file, but your way

On Sat, Aug 12, 2023 at 02:49:25PM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
> I am bringing up a new bananapi-m5, an arm64 device. You don't like my way,
> and have made that boringly plain.

Gene.  Please stop saying things like this.  The use of traditional static
addressing without DNS is a common and well-supported configuration.

People do it ALL THE TIME.  It's extremely simple.

> Already edited the /etc/hostname

Good.  This is where your hostname goes.  Your hostname can either be
"short" (no dots), or "long" (with dots).

> and /etc/hosts files.

Also good.  Your hostname should resolve either to your static IP
address, or to  Either way is fine.

> ipv6:
> There is no ipv6 service within 100 miles, so I should set a /proc command
> to kill ipv6, so whats the official syntax? for that.

Do nothing.  Do not touch anything with "ipv6" in its name at all.

> ipv4:

Step one: determine the NAME of your ethernet interface.

Step two: edit /etc/network/interfaces to bring up this interface with
your desired IP address, netmask, and gateway.  If there's a running
DHCP client daemon (because the installer set it up for DHCP instead
of static addressing), you may need to kill that daemon.  Or, if you're
especially clever, you can bring the interface DOWN, BEFORE editing
the file, which will kill the daemon cleanly.  Most people forget this
step, so they just end up killing the daemon later, with "kill" or
by rebooting.

Step three: edit /etc/resolv.conf to set up DNS resolution for outside
hosts, if you intend to use the Internet.

Here's a sample /etc/network/interfaces file:

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto enp2s0
iface enp2s0 inet static

Here's a sample /etc/resolv.conf file:

search coyote.den

Of course, if you're running a local recursive DNS nameserver, you would
put "nameserver".  Or you might use your ISP's nameserver, or
a recursive nameserver elsewhere on your network.  Use whatever's correct
for your setup.

Finally, here's a sample /etc/hosts file:

====================================================   localhost
::1         localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1     ip6-allnodes
ff02::2     ip6-allrouters    banana1.coyote.den banana1    printer.coyote.den printer   raspberry1.coyote.den raspberry1

Make sure the output of "hostname", which should match the contents of
your /etc/hostname file, matches one of the lines in this file.

And that's the entire thing!  Do not touch anything else.

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