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Re: Strange Boot Behavior

On 8/6/23 05:46, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:
I have Debian 12 installed on my main computer.

This morning, when I booted the computer , I got "GRUB ERROR>"  and the message that there was no operating system on the boot SSD.

Fortunately, I have Debian 12 installed on two SSD's on the platform. I shut down the computer, restarted it with F2 to open the BIOS and selected  the other SSD with Debian. When GRUB came up I was presented the normal selection screen, The booting process continued normally with the SSD that gave me the "GRUB ERROR>" initially.

Then I shut down the system and restarted it. Normal start up!!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone have any ideal as to what might be going on (yes, I know an impossible question)?

When one of my computer fails to boot:

1.  Push and hold power button until machine reaches cold power off state.

2.  Wait at least 10 seconds.

3.  Try booting again.

The above usually works.

Why? I can only conclude that there is a race condition somewhere (hardware, firmware, OS boot loader, etc.).


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