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Re: logging no longer standard?

* 2023-08-05 09:23:25-0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> In any case, this [systemd journal] is not a popular change. I don't
> remember ever hearing a single person say "Wow, I'm so glad they did
> this!" I've seen many complaints. Most often, people just (re)install
> rsyslog and move on with their lives as before.

The popularity and opinions haven't been queried. We don't hear people's
silent satisfaction. You only hear complaints and surprise reactions:
"What? Things have changed?"

Ok, here is one: I think systemd is wonderful system and its journal is
really nice part of it. I use systemd units in such way that would have
been difficult before.

/// Teemu Likonen - .-.. https://www.iki.fi/tlikonen/
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