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Prevent laptop from suspending when a user is logged in through SSH

I just installed a plain debian 12.1 on my good old Thinkpad X200, my
first debian 12 install since I'm waiting for things to settle down
before I upgrade my other computers.

Going smooth so far and my first snag (after bug #1037304) is that it
just kicked me out of all my ssh sessions. Example from an active git
command that was aborted:

    remote: Enumerating objects: 6944, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (6944/6944), done.
    remote: Compressing objects:  73% (2131/2919)
    Broadcast message from pipe@airwaves (Tue 2023-08-01 21:04:47 CEST):

    The system will suspend now!

    Timeout, server airwaves.computerwelt not responding.

At the time the laptop was on AC power and I was logged in as the
primary user in the default gnome session, but the laptop was sitting
idle except for my SSH sessions - all mostly active with aptitude, git
commands, text editing etc.

Does anyone know the "correct" solution to this? There's no difference
in activity for me hacking away in a terminal over SSH compared to a
terminal in a window on the laptop itself, so why isn't it registered
as "activity" for the automatic suspension?

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