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Re: Migrating from hard drives to SSDs

On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 6:40 AM gene heskett <gheskett@shentel.net> wrote:
> [ ...]
> One of the things apparently missing in today's support for the arm64
> boards such as the bananapi-m5, is the lack of support for the nvme
> memory on some of these devices. I have quite a few of them, all booting
> and running from 64G micro-sd's.  Yet these all have, soldered to the
> board, several gigs of nvme memory, more that enough to contain a full
> desktop install with all the toys, but totally unused.
> So my question is, when do we get support for using it? It is reported
> to be several times faster than the u-sd's its running from now. u-sd's
> touted to do 100mhz/second, but generally can only do less than 20
> megs/second in actual practice. So what plans are in place to use this
> memory on the arms, that we users can look fwd to?

I don't follow. What does this have to do with raid and migrating?

It seems like it should be a new thread, but I want to make sure I am
not missing something obvious.


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