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Re: For syslog : apt-get install rsyslog

On Fri, Jul 07, 2023 at 10:53:10AM +1200, C.T.F. Jansen wrote:
> To restore a readable and accessible syslog in Debian 12.0 enter
>                apt-get  install rsyslog
> One doesn't need to do anything with the journal suite.
> I installed rsyslog-doc as well. It is in: /usr/share/doc/rsyslog-doc/html

... is there a question in here?

> The current default logging is unsatisfactory and needs to include a text
> log.

Oh, it's a gripe, not a question.

You may dislike the decision all you wish, and we may even all agree
with you, but griping here will not change anything.

This was an intentional change made by Debian, and they are proud of it.
They even documented it, and told you how you can achieve this
no-text-log-files state after an upgrade from a previous release:


As with many of the unpopular changes that Debian embraces, this is a
decision they made, and no matter how utterly daft and ridiculous it is,
no amount of griping by users will change their minds about it.

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