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Re: [partly solved] Re: mounting media in plasma5

Am Dienstag, 4. Juli 2023, 14:11:19 CEST schrieb Greg Wooledge:
Hi Greg,

yes, that is exactly the point I was looking for. As I had no clue, where t 
start looking at, your advice is the one. Thank yu very much!

I will read and leran now, and now that I know, what is related, I will be 
able to go on n my own.

Smetimes it is only the isty bitsy tiny information, one needs to solve the 
big problem.

Thanks again and have a nice week!

Best regards

> On Tue, Jul 04, 2023 at 01:24:17PM +0200, Hans wrote:
> > But ne thing I could not understand, maybe someone can answer this:
> > 
> > When Plasma5 (KDE) or any other application is creating a new mount
> > below /media/, where does this new folder gets its ACL rules?
> There is no such thing as "or any other application".  That's the point.
> Every program does its own thing, following its author's own unique
> vision.
> According to <https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2023/07/msg00084.html>
> the program involved when you mount this thing through KDE's clicky
> widgets is udiskd.  Max even gave us a package name and a man page
> reference for further reading.
> I would start by confirming what Max said (look for log file or journal
> entries that indicate udiskd actually did something).  Then, assuming
> it's true, figure out how to configure udiskd to do whatever it is
> that you're trying to do.  (Which seems to be something like "Whenever
> someone plugs in a USB disk with an ext4 file system on it, I want you
> to completely ignore all of the permissions within the ext4 file system,
> treat it like VFAT, and make -me- the God Emperor of the Disk, able to
> read and write everything."  I have no idea whether such a thing is
> even possible.)

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