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Re: how to change default nameserver?

> > > So Gene, can you tell us where you read this ?
> > 
> > In a man page from a good 20 years ago. I still have a copy of that
> > original redhat 5.0 on a shelf above me, but not a floppy drive to read
> > those disks with.
> Well, it's not in resolver(5) (which is for resolv.conf) on Red Hat 5.0.5.

It wasn't in the man page from Red Hat 5.2 when I checked in 2017, either.


Here's another thread from 2018:


Note that this time, Gene omitted the comma, and said that the
resolv.conf file "looks something like this"; IOW he's going from
memory rather than just catting the file.

And a thread from 2019:


This time the comma is gone, and Gene may or may not have actually
catted the file -- we can't be sure, because he does not paste the actual
terminal session including the shell prompt and the command issued.

As I've said, we've been through this for literally YEARS.

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