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Re: How to get rid of the synaptic message (mentioned below) at the end of installing a package?

On Sat, 1 Apr 2023 Susmita/Rajib wrote:
My illustrious team leaders and senior debian-user list-members,

My present Debian system installed from "Official Debian GNU/Linux
Live 11.6.0 lxde 2022-12-17T11:46"

While installing a package I receive this following message:

I do not use synaptic, and know nothing about it other than that it is
a GUI package manager.

The warning below looks to me as though synaptic tried (and failed) to
store a temporary file in root's home directory.

If I were in your place, I would wonder why it did not use the
invoking user's home directory instead.

Maybe there are reasons. I would want to know what they are, and
endeavor to judge for myself whether they are good ones.

W: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file
'/root/.synaptic/tmp//tmp_sh' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. -
pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied)

This matches a bug report:

  Bug #864179 - synaptic: Message appears:
  "W: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file
  '/root/.synaptic/tmp//tmp_sh' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. -
  pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permiso denegado)"


What should I do to address this report [...]

You could send a message to


informing the maintainer that the bug affects you.

[...] or stop receiving this message?

You could use a different tool for package management, like apt,
aptitude, or apt-{get,cache,etc}.

It doesn't appear to be a harmful report so far as my system is

I am not qualified to confirm or deny the accuracy of this perception.

My user-id can't access root report, I guess.

What you mean by this is unclear to me. Are you not the administrator
of the machine? What "root report" are you referring to?

But any advice would be welcome.

I would not ignore warnings from a package manager.

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mood, they get up in the morning and begin painting their pictures.
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