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Re: "Failed to start Create System Users" when booting Debian 10 rootfs from NFS mount.


A suggestion: we've had issues in the past, where on NFS root the issue was that setting "Linux Capabilities" (setcap) fails, because NFS does not support the extended attributes to store them.

Perhaps that is your issue as well?


Op 16-08-2022 om 21:58 schreef Lie Rock:

I'm trying to bring up the Debian 10 root file system on an ARM SoC board. When the rootfs was in an SD card the board worked well. When I put the rootfs on an NFS server and tried to boot the board through NFS mount, it reported error through serial port:

|[FAILED] Failed to start Create System Users. See 'systemctl status systemd-sysusers.service' for details. |

And this is the only error message printed out. The board went all the way to login inputI, but I could not login with any of the preset accounts including root (because no users have been created as it suggested?), and I didn't see any way to run commands to check system status for details.

So how is the process "create system users" performed when Linux/Debian starts? What can be contributing to this error?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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