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still fixing stuff the upgrade broke...

So in my Xfce applications menu I have a top-level entry "Ham radio",  and there was exactly _one_ program to invoke under that,  called "chirp".  (I use this to program radios.)  I don't run this too often,  but having recently acquired a new radio I went to fire it up,  and got a "file not found" error.  WTF?  I've no idea where this menu stores its data,  but there was no entry there when I went into the menu option to edit thing.  It just showed *no* entry in there at all.  Why an upgrade would screw with this I have no idea...

So I downloaded the current version of the program.  This gets incremental upgrades all the time,  and the latest one is chirp20220103,  which I downloaded.  When I went to invoke it directly,  there was an error about some missing python bit.  Going into synaptic,  I didn't see chirp listed at all,  though it did show up when I did a search,  and installing that package got me a version from 2018!  (Why the repository can't be more up to date than that I don't know.)  This also provided the missing python bit.  So I edited the application menu entry to point to the new version,  and it now works.

I've been nudged more than once to continue with my upgrades to bring things up to the current stable version,  but am still not sure I want to go there in one swell foop.  Too many changes,  and things that aren't right.

I'm stilll trying to figure out what's invoking a screensaver in my virtualbox slackware install,  which I don't want but can't quite figout out how to turn off...

Member of the toughest, meanest, deadliest, most unrelenting -- and
ablest -- form of life in this section of space,  a critter that can
be killed but can't be tamed.  --Robert A. Heinlein, "The Puppet Masters"
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M Dakin

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