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How to use bt-... suite of Bluetooth tools?

I'm trying to connect my Bluetooth earbuds to my laptop. It works
interactively using bluetoothctl, but not with bt-adapter and bt-device.

First, bluetoothctl:

$ bluetoothctl
Agent registered
[bluetooth]# devices
Device 1C:52:16:CA:E7:D9 SOUNDPEATS TrueFree
[bluetooth]# connect 1C:52:16:CA:E7:D9
Attempting to connect to 1C:52:16:CA:E7:D9
[CHG] Device 1C:52:16:CA:E7:D9 Connected: yes
Connection successful
[CHG] Device 1C:52:16:CA:E7:D9 ServicesResolved: yes
[SOUNDPEATS TrueFree]# disconnect 1C:52:16:CA:E7:D9
Attempting to disconnect from 1C:52:16:CA:E7:D9
[CHG] Device 1C:52:16:CA:E7:D9 ServicesResolved: no
Successful disconnected
[CHG] Device 1C:52:16:CA:E7:D9 Connected: no
[bluetooth]# quit

That works fine. Now, using bt-adapter and bt-device, the process times
out when trying to connect to the device. Do I need to take extra steps
in setting up the adapter? I'm assuming that bluetoothctl and bt-xxx
use the same librery under the hood.


Here's the shell transcript of the bt-... session:
$ bt-adapter -i [hci0] Name: xxxx Address: D0:C6:37:C4:68:45    
  Alias: xxxx [rw] 
  Class: 0x2c010c          
  Discoverable: 0 [rw]           
  DiscoverableTimeout: 10 [rw]
  Discovering: 0  
  Pairable: 0 [rw]
  PairableTimeout: 10 [rw]
  Powered: 1 [rw]
  UUIDs: [AVRemoteControl, AudioSource, PnPInformation, AudioSink,
Headset, AVRemoteControlTarget, 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb,
          0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, HeadsetAudioGateway]
$ bt-adapter -s DiscoverableTimeout 10
DiscoverableTimeout: 10 -> 10   
$ bt-adapter -s PairableTimeout 10
PairableTimeout: 10 -> 10
$ bt-adapter -s Discoverable 1
Discoverable: 0 -> 1
$ bt-adapter -s Pairable 1
Pairable: 0 -> 1
$ bt-adapter -i
  Name: xxxx
  Address: D0:C6:37:C4:68:45
  Alias: xxxx [rw]
  Class: 0x2c010c
  Discoverable: 1 [rw]
  DiscoverableTimeout: 10 [rw]
  Discovering: 0
  Pairable: 1 [rw]
  PairableTimeout: 10 [rw]
  Powered: 1 [rw]
  UUIDs: [AVRemoteControl, AudioSource, PnPInformation, AudioSink,
Headset, AVRemoteControlTarget, 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb,
          0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, HeadsetAudioGateway]
$ bt-device -i 1C:52:16:CA:E7:D9
  Name: SOUNDPEATS TrueFree
  Alias: SOUNDPEATS TrueFree [rw]
  Address: 1C:52:16:CA:E7:D9
  Icon: audio-card
  Class: 0x240418
  Paired: 1
  Trusted: 1 [rw]
  Blocked: 0 [rw]
  Connected: 0
  UUIDs: [SerialPort, Headset, AudioSink, AVRemoteControlTarget,
          AVRemoteControl, Handsfree, PnPInformation]
$ bt-device -c 1C:52:16:CA:E7:D9
Connecting to: 1C:52:16:CA:E7:D9
Error: Timeout was reached

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