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Re: On improving mailing list [was: How to Boot Linux ISO Images Directly From Your Hard Drive Debian]

On Sun, Aug 08, 2021 at 03:26:25PM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> Hello,
> On Sun, Aug 08, 2021 at 11:35:15AM +0200, tomas@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > any ideas on how to make the situation better?
> To be honest I don't think that mailing lists are a very good venue
> for user support and I would these days prefer to direct people to a
> Stack Overflow-like site [...]

I stringly disagree on that one. There's tooling and there's
politeness, and they are, IMO, uncorrelated variables.

Some people are rather wired towards "forum style", others more
towards "mail style" -- and I think that's why this kind of
discussion tends to come up time and again.

Personally, I tend strongly towards "mail style": I have my MUA
and have taught it to work "my way". I'm infinitely more effective
(and happy) with that. I cringe at nearly every Webby interface.

But I am aware that there are people who work the opposite way.
I don't have a solution to that.

There is that big temptation to imagine something which works
"both ways" (there are fora, like Discourse, which offer a mail
interface, I'm taking part in one of those), but my experience
is that, since in a webby forum the presentation itself is
controlled, it ends up being part of the "language". This part
gets "lost" in translation to mail. For those users, it feels

> The main reason why I see mailing lists as inappropriate for user
> support is that there is a severe signal to noise ratio problem.

I think you'll get the same on unmoderated fora. A moderated
mailing list has a higher S/N ratio, but Debian User isn't, for
a very good reason.

I feel we aren't doing that bad, considering the volume.

> In debian-user there's a relatively small group of people who value
> getting their opinions on a vast variety of topics across more than
> they value actually answering on-topic questions [...]

These are strong judgement calls, and I think our community is so
highly diverse that the thresholds will vary enormously.

It is thus, IMO, important to be extra careful. Things which to
one may be a funny joke can be to others hurtful.

> We can try to self-moderate by asking ourselves, "does my reply help
> the poster? Does it belong on debian-user?" Unfortunately for some
> the mind set is, "I'm a user of Debian so any opinion I wish to post
> is on-topic on debian-user". I appreciate I have also failed at this
> from time to time and I include myself in the list of those who
> should do better. Ways of making us do better are needed.

Everyone "fails" some times and according to some criteria. I believe
things work out generally if we keep trying.

But then, I'm said to be an optimist :-)

 - t

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