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Re: Google sites don't work

On Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 08:54:12PM +0000, Kleene, Steven (kleenesj) wrote:
> My home desktop is running Buster (4.19.0-17-amd64) and firefox-esr
> 78.12.0esr-1~deb10u1.  Neither translate.google.com nor images.google.com
> functions properly.  If I go to Google Translate and enter "je ne sais pas"
> in the left window, nothing happens.  It should automatically show a
> translation at the right.  If I go to Google Images and search for
> "solenodon", I get a full page of fine pictures of solenodons.  But there are
> two problems.  If I put the cursor over an image, I get a pointing finger
> icon.  (No, not that finger.)  But if I click, nothing happens.

My guess is that you somehow disabled Javascript, either by clicking
something in the configuration screen (or fat-fingering some magical
keyboard equivalent), or by installing an add-on like NoScript.

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