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Re: thunderbird vs clawsmail


On 6/6/21 11:43 AM, fxkl47BF wrote:
> i've gone back and forth between thunderbird and clawsmail

	Been there, brother.

> clawsmail is lightweight and clean, i like that
> debian stable only has an old version, i don't like that
> to get an up to date version i have to continuously compile from source, i don't like that

	Depends on what you call "old":

	* Stable has 3.17.3
	* Testing and Unstable have 3.17.8
	* Upstream is... 3.17.8

	I'm not familiar with Claws but a cursory look at their changelogs
shows why upgrading might be a good idea.

	I'm assuming that if you don't like compiling it every time you're
probably not interested in backporting, neither in creating a local
version of your package, so I'm gonna give you an alternative.

	If you _really_ want the latest version of Claws and you _cannot_ wait
for Bullseye's release (best guess right now would be late July), you
can install the version from Testing using Pinning [1]. You basically
add testing to your sources.list and tell APT that you don't want it to
install stuff from Testing unless you tell it to.

	Have a look at the link below; I'd be happy to help if you have questions.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/AptConfiguration


Francisco M Neto <fmneto@usp.br>

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