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Re: MX-Linux 19.2

On 11/18/20 12:54 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
Since MX-Linux is debian-based and has synaptic and probably also has apt-get if you want to do a version upgrade you're going to need to learn the code name for your desired version and change the existing code name in /etc/apt/sources.list file.  Then as root in a terminal
apt-update followed by apt-dist-upgrade ought to start the process.  It may be more complex than that.  You do have an MX-Linux forum available to you for participation.  Now, if you want an MX-Linux email list groups.io and freelists.org are available.  If the group doesn't exist on those two sites you could create it.  Then of course googlegroups.com
also exists but that's an advertising platform.  The yahoogroups.com is permanently shutting down as of December 15, 2020 so they're not available for list creation.  I've never done anything with MX-Linux since I'm a screen reader user and the first thing I'd need to research would be its accessibility support.

  - many thanks



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