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Re: Is there such a thing as a Debian blend for a MacBook Air 1,1 and/or Mac boxes in general? ...

Le mardi 3 novembre 2020 à 12:10:06 UTC+1, Albretch Mueller a écrit :
> > sudo modprobe b43 
> Doesn't show to me anything. 
> and 
> > ip l 
> displays a sequence of 0:0:0:0:0: ... chars which don't look like a 
> MAC address or any of such things 
> lbrtchx

"modprobe b43" tries to load the b43 kernel module (the open-source driver for your wireless card) but is silent on completion.
In order to observe if the module is loaded, try instead "lsmod | grep -i b43" wich presents to you the modules containing "b43" in their name and are loaded in the kernel (active)

"ip l" (for "ip link") lists the network links the kernel is aware of.
"ip a" (for "ip addr") shows the addresses of these links

"journalctl | grep -i firmware" shows all attempted accesses (succesful or failed) to firmwares

And to keep it simple, does your desktop (Gnome, the desktop environment by default in Debian?) show you an icon with wireless networks?

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