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Re: OT: Virtualbox - ISO or VDI?

Hans writes:

Hi folks,

I have a little question, which I could not solve by searching the internet.

My OT question: What are the advantages or disadvantages of using a VDI
ISO file, when using Virtualbox? I am building my own ISO-files (kali or
debian-live), and the iso's are bootable in Virtualbox.

Which one should I use? Which one and why has more advantages?

They are actually entirely different:

* ISO is a CD/DVD/BD   image, read only
* VDI is a virtual HDD image, read-write

If you are fine with running live systems all the time, then ISO is the way
to go. For _installing_ OSes inside the VMs you will most likely want to use
actual virtual HDD images (VDI). The advantage of an installation is of
course that you can make persistent changes easily. The advantage of live
systems in VMs is that they take significantly less storage compared to
installed systems.



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