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Re: How long will this take?


8 juin 2020 à 22:22 de trenix25@pm.me:

> I bought a new 4 terrabyte hard drive that is connected with a USB cable using USB2.  It took about 32 hours to read every sector on the drive to look for bad sectors.  I started blanking the sectors using /dev/zero last Friday night.
Out of curiosity, what is the purpose to wipe a brand new HDD?
Wouldn't formatting (or GPT overwrite) be sufficient?

9 juin 2020 à 08:59 de dpchrist@holgerdanske.com:

> Also as others have stated, writing zeros to an SSD may wear it out prematurely (depends upon internals of SSD).  The best approach is to do a "secure erase".
It seems to be a hard drive here ;)
> Rather than wiping storage devices with GNU/Linux userland tools, your best bet is to use the manufacturer's diagnostic utility.  In the ideal case, the utility sends a command to the drive controller and everything gets done internally at maximum speed.  I prefer the bootable "Live" tools, if available.  Each manufacturer has their own toolkit.  Get the one for your drive brand.  For example, SeaTools Bootable:
> https://www.seagate.com/support/downloads/seatools/
Even more true for an SSD (and yet, I'm not sure we can say "secure" for sure as those utilities are generally proprietary so we cannot verify what they do exactly).

Best regards,

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