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Re: What's the purpose of initrd.img{,.old} and vmlinuz{,.old} symlinks in the root dir?

On 01/03/2020 02:15, David Wright wrote:
> They're a convenience. If you want them kept in /boot, then edit 
> /etc/kernel-img.conf and linux-update-symlinks will recreate them 
> there when the kernel is updated. Ditto if you want them removed.
I didn't know there's even such an option. But yes, it creates links 
in /boot/ now.

>> Also, I'm trying to configure refind EFI boot manager, and
>> basically I don't want to change its config file with each kernel
>> update (the numbers in the file names change).
> I'm not familiar with that, but one of the reasons there are links
> in root is for that very reason: their names don't change.
That's why I need those links in /boot/ , so refind would easily pick 
them up.
> You don't say why *you* think it's better to create links in /boot, 
> so I'm not sure why we're expected to think so too. But if you want 
> them in both places, I think you have to maintain them in the other 
> location yourself.
I thought it was obvious, but I write it again to be clear. I'm using 
LUKSv2+LVM setup and (so far) syslinux/extlinux as a bootloader in 
MBR/MS-DOS partition layout (this will change to refind + EFI soon). 
So my machine is encrypted entirely, and only the /boot/ (and future 
ESP) partition remains unencrypted. When my system creates the links 
to the initrd and kernel in / , they're useless since you have to 
decrypt the root partition in order to get to those links, and in 
order to decrypt the partition, you have to load the kernel first,
but when you load the kernel, you don't need the links anymore... So 
as you can see the better place for the links is in /boot/ and not 
in / , at least in the case of fully encrypted installation setups. 

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