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Re: mount weirdness

On Thu 08 Aug 2019 at 08:19:22 (-0000), Curt wrote:
> On 2019-08-05, Dennis Wicks <wix@mgssub.com> wrote:
> > So anyway, I typed in "sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /wa1" and it 
> > seemed to finish successfully, but "ls /wa1" indicated that 
> > in fact it had not. Nothing mounted on wa1! Many other tests 
> > told me the same thing. "umount /wa1" said "not mounted"!
> Would this be the result if /dev/sdb2 were already mounted (i.e. nothing?).

Try it. I, at least, would be interested in the result.
So far, the voting is 2-1 against seeing what I see:

wren 08:50:11 ~# lsblk -f | grep sda7
├─sda7       ext4        swan07      4a4e352f-2180-4083-92b4-f46e4e0104b4 /wrenbk
wren 08:50:26 ~# mkdir /wa1 /somethingelse
wren 08:50:49 ~# mount /dev/sda7 /somethingelse
mount: /dev/sda7 is already mounted or /somethingelse busy
       /dev/sda7 is already mounted on /wrenbk
32 wren 08:51:16 ~# mount /dev/sda7 /wa1
mount: /dev/sda7 is already mounted or /wa1 busy
       /dev/sda7 is already mounted on /wrenbk
32 wren 08:51:31 ~# rmdir /wa1 /somethingelse
wren 08:51:53 ~# 

By way of explanation, the prompt is
export PROMPT_COMMAND='MYPROMPT="$? " && [ "$MYPROMPT" = "0 " ] && MYPROMPT=""'
export PS1='\[\e[1;33;41m\]$MYPROMPT\[\e[1;37;44m\]\H \t \w\[\e[0m\]\$ ' # blue
but I normally cut it to reduce clutter.

> Many other tests. What about 'mount' from an xterm to see what's mounted
> and what ain't and where?
> Did you show your /etc/fstab file (cut and paste)? If so, I must've missed
> it.
> BTW, what's with the exclamation points? Makes you seem enthusiastic.

Yes, I couldn't figure that out, nor what good a note in /etc/fstab
would do (in the reply to Thomas). Does one peruse that file each time
one reboots?


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