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Re: SOLVED - Re: xfce4-terminal fails to “pass through” environment variables

On Mon, Oct 02, 2017 at 08:41:22AM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 02, 2017 at 10:52:11PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > I'm using font "Fixed SemiCondensed" 8 pt in xfce4-term - and it
> > seems xfce4-terminal has some fallback to either some other font(s?)
> > but in any case, displays all Unicode chars I've tried to display,
> > whereas xterm fails on some chars I want to use. E.g.:
> > 
> > ƒ ("function" symbol) displays fine in both xterm and xfce4-terminal
> > 
> > but
> > 
> > ❴ and ❵ (mathematical braces) only displays in xfce term, and not
> > xterm for a reason I have not been able to figure out.
> Yeah, I've finally given up on xterm when it comes to unicode
> handling.

For the archives: uxterm, and xterm -u8, simply don't work as
expected - here's what DOES work much better (assuming LC_ALL or LANG
or etc is configured to a UTF-8 locale):

  xterm -lc

or as a locale-specific one-shot of course:

  LC_ALL=en_zen.UTF-8 xterm -lc

or for those who for the strangest of reasons have not created a
custom locate called "en_zen" (what are u smoking¿), perhaps
something like this:

  LC_ALL=en_gb.UTF-8 xterm -lc

But I still don't get all chars, e.g. → mathematical braces.

> I think it might come down to substituting characters
> that don't appear in the selected font, but whatever it is, other
> terminal emulators just work.

Indeed, xterm feels more finicky - which is presumably a legacy of
support for so many term types and term quirks over so many years -
it's presumably still the ultimate when I need to physical
serial-line it in to an IBM 390 running a program designed for old
DEC (physical) terminals :D

Thanks Michael.

Tomas - I will try your Liberation font suggestion, but xfce term is
giving me a rock solid "Fixed" experience, AND the fancy character
dancing... for me, this is peak productivity and sublime visuals to
boot :)

Here's a sample of unicode chars:

← ↑ ↓ → ⋱ ⋰ ⇄ ※
⨡ ⨠ ⨟ ⋿ ⦂ ⊙ ⦀ ∣ ⇉ ↦ ⨾
⟩ ⟨ ❵ ❴ ¦ ‖ ¡ ‼ µ ♮ ♯
π ∞ ‡ ♥ ∑ ⁽ ⁾ ₎ ₍ ∙
… † ° ¤ № ¶ — ≡ ± ⫶ ∴

Thanks guys,

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