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Re: Do have programs have poor documentation?

On Monday, January 02, 2017 09:52:14 AM David Wright wrote:
> Have you actually looked?
> $ man ls | wc -l
> 223
> $ info --output=/dev/stdout --subnodes ls | wc -l
> 853
> $

I think, for a fairer comparison, you should specify ls in the info command.  
Then I get:

rhk@s19:~$ info ls --output=/dev/stdout --subnodes "$1" | wc
info: Writing node (coreutils.info.gz)Which files are listed...
info: Done.
     93     517    3738
rhk@s19:~$ man ls | wc
    251     946    8102

Now I'll see if I can do a [w]diff on the two...

$ wdiff `man ls` `info ls --output=/dev/stdout --subnodes "$1"` | less

info: Writing node (coreutils.info.gz)Which files are listed...
info: Done.
diff: conflicting output style options
diff: Try `diff --help' for more information.

Well, that wasn't useful, I suppose I could read both, or output to a file and 
then do a [w]diff...

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