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Re: Configuring Exim for mail delivery

Am 01.10.2016 um 14:02 schrieb Mark Fletcher:
On Sat, Oct 01, 2016 at 11:01:17AM +0100, Brian wrote:
On Sat 01 Oct 2016 at 11:06:07 +0200, mo wrote:

First of all:
Thank you Liam for your help! :)
Thanks for the very nice and long explanation Mark! :)

I think i should elaborate a little more on my setup.. i guess i did not
make that very clear in the first place, sorry about that.

My network is consisting of the following systems:

Main PC -  (Running Debian Jessie)
Server  - (Running Debian Jessie)

The server is always online, the PC is only half of the day on.

What i want to do now is the following:

Sending mail from my Main PC to my Server and also the other way around,
from the Server to my Main PC.
The Server should also be able to send mail to the "outside" (Meaning to
other SMTP servers).
The second requirement is optional since i dont own a domain and all this is
sitting locally at my home. The most important thing for me is to send and
receive mail from both systems in my home network.
I hope this made my problem a little clearer :)

I'm a little ashamed to say that, but i could not totally follow your
explanations Mark... I'm quite a newbie when it comes to SMTP.. sorry :(

Assuming the server hostname is "server".

1. On Main PC use your editor to create /etc/exim4/hubbed_hosts. In it


   in it and restart exim4.

2. Send mail to user@server.

3. You can replace 'server:' with 'server: server.local'
   if avahi-daemon is running on both machines.

No colons as separators in hubbed_hosts, to my knowledge. Use spaces or tabs.

I have colones in the hubbed_hosts file... seems to work.
I just tested it: It works with or without the colon. Maybe this is interesting to know ;)


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