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Re: Linux has come a long way

On Sunday 10 July 2016 07:02:42 kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
> Linux has come a long way! I have been dreading to go wireless on my
> desktop for a while. A while ago, the process was like this - grab
> drivers from manufacters website, custom compile kernels, read
> documentation on how to connect to a password encrypted network. If
> something does not work, search google, ask on mailing
> lists/IRC/friends or read source code to find a hacky solution.
> Today I simply plugged in the USB adapter, clicked a button on the KDE
> panel to select a wireless network, entered the password! Boom!
> Many many thanks to all the developers who made this possible.
> During early 2000s people did similar hacky stuff to get graphics
> cards working. After a while, they started working seemlessly. Now the
> time has come for wireless? Any experiences to share?

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