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Re: gschem only partially works

On Sunday 10 January 2016 02:42:17 Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Saturday 09 January 2016 19:39:27 Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > On Sunday 10 January 2016 00:24:29 Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > I can see all that in synaptic to prove its there, and mc agree's,
> > > but its in html and iceweasel has lost the ability to open a file on
> > > a local filesystem.  No clue why as there sure should not be an ssl
> > > problem on a local direct access disk.
> > >
> > > So unless I see an iceweasel update in the next day or 2, I will be
> > > actively searching for a browser that Just Works(TM).
> >
> > You are using TDE.  Why on earth aren't you using Konqueror for this
> > sort of thing??  Easiest route:
> >
> > Do:
> > alt-F2
> >
> > type in resultant window:
> > /home/gene
> > or whatever you call your home directory, or route to wherever the
> > file you want is
> >
> > navigate to file you want and open it.
> >
> > Lisi
> Konquerer and I have never made friends, Lisi, but if it works, I'll try
> to apologize to it. But I don't have to, it just refused to open
> gedadocs.html in the /usr/share/doc/geda/ directory.  Despite being set
> as the default browser, it handed it over to iceweasel, and iceweasel of
> course claimed the file did not exist.
> Does it open that file on your system?

No, because I haven't got it, and no browser or file manager would be able to 
open a file on my computer that isn't there.
> Actually I did get it to open that file when used as an argument from a
> console window, in the local wiki, but its a one page file that points
> at www.gpleda.org, a site that apparently does not exist or the
> iceweasel cannot find.  But the site CAN be pinged.  A new ssl problem?

I had no difficulty at all in opening the site www.gpleda.org in all three of 
the browsers I currently have installed:  Google Chrome, Iceweasel and 
Konqueror.  In all three I could then click through to the wiki which seemed 
to be full of documentation and information.  Konqueror gave the best 
diagrams:  it just had spaces which said click to enlarge, and the resulting 
wiring diagram was beautifully clear and definitely usable.

So no, it is not a new ssl prioblem, it is a new Gene problem. ;-)


P.S.  You had tried just opening the site in a browser, right??
> The lack of being able to access the docs for all these tools is, to put
> it bluntly, damned frustrating. So to hell with it, I'll make the 60
> mile round trip to my nearest radio shack tomorrow and get some of their
> project boards as I can build 2 each of these circuits on a 2x2" project
> board.
> In the meantime, somewhere in this daily updating of libssl and friends,
> maybe, if they switch chews and hold their mouth just right, a browser,
> any browser, might actually work again.  But I don't recommend either of
> us hold our breath until that happens.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

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