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Re: debian 8

On Fri, 10 Apr 2015 17:25:14 +0800
Bret Busby <bret.busby@gmail.com> wrote:

> So, I have found xfce, on Debian 7, to be too dangerous.
> Even more incentive to stick with Debian 6, even after the LTS has
> expired.
> It seems that, on the eve of the release of Debian 8, Debian 7 is
> still, even less stable and functional, than Debian 6.

My splash screen before Xfce starts up displays 'Debian 8'. It isn't
really, of course, it's Sid, but it probably still contains a lot of
Debian 8, with a dash of Debian 9 and possibly even hints of 10. I've
been running Xfce for well over a year, and have had no screensaver
trouble, though it would have been configured when Sid was largely
Lenny, or possibly Squeeze. In short, I think your problem is local,
not global.

There's no doubt that Wheezy has needed a lot more maintenance than
Squeeze did, on pretty much the same software set. Presumably the
trend will continue, following the increase in complexity with time.


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