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Re: There is no choice

Joe writes:
> ...the design of systemd and the decision of Debian to make systemd
> the 'default', or in practice the only init system...

Not true.  "Default" just means that it's the init you get if you don't
specify anything else.  Other inits are allowed and encouraged but
_someone has to develop, package, and maintain them_.

> ...are set in stone.

The decision to make systemd default for Jessie is final: such things
need months (at least!) of lead time (theoretically the decision could
be overturned by a GR but I think that most maintainers realize that
such a GR would delay the release and don't want that).  The details are
_not_ final, and the decision could be reversed for a future release.

> There's nothing to discuss.

There is, at the least, the subject of how to live with it.
John Hasler 
Elmwood, WI USA

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