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Re: no eth0 connection-redux

On Sat, 05 Apr 2014 13:26:44 -0400 (EDT), Robert Holtzman wrote:
> For a while it looked like a bad cable as I was able to connect on a
> different one from the same router. The connection lasted long enough to
> d/l an update. Then I closed the connection. Today none of the cables
> from the router allow a connection. The nm-applet swears I'm connected
> but trying to ping the router gives "operation not permitted". 
> Wireless continues to work. I *think* that removes the router from 
> suspicion.  If I'm wrong please correct me.

First of all, you've broken the thread.  The thread was broken once
already by the March / April forced break at the end of the month.
You can't help that.  But this time, you've broken it yourself by
starting a new thread.

Second, you haven't responded to anybody's requests for information.
How can we help you if you won't provide any information?

Now, let's take this from the top.

(1) Please provide the output of

   /sbin/ifconfig -a

(2) Please provide the contents of


  .''`.     Stephen Powell    
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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